الاثنين، 2 مارس 2015

Imagining Argentina

They can see everything they want to, but never forget that they cannot see beyond the distortion of their imagination where there is no color and everything exists in black and white. And that is why we will survive, because they do not have what is necessary to defeat us. The real war is between our imagination and theirs, what we can see and what they are blinded to. Do not despair. None of them can see far enough, and so long as we do not let them violate our imagination we will survive.


Lawrence Thornton 


الصورة المرفقة من إحدى التظاهرات التي يرفعن فيها المتظاهرات صور ذويهم المختطفين (المختفيات والمختفيين قسريًا)



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